Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Wonder of the Nativity

Our church hosted a wonderful event this last Friday and Saturday night for the community. We displayed about 200 nativity scenes throughout the building, had live musical performances and a sing-a-long, and ate really yummy gingerbread cake with carmel topping and Christmas cookies! I was asked to be in charge of the room where refreshments were served and some of the music was performed. Everything turned out well, I am feeling very relieved and satisfied that my work turned out the way I had envisioned. It took me at least a few hours every day this week, and everything needed to be cleaned up and put away on Saturday night so that the building would be ready for regular services today. Gratefully, I had lots of help with that part. I made it snow in the gym! I strung fishing line from wall to wall, and hung about 100 of these snowflakes from the dollar store (a buck for a pack of 6!) from the ceiling.
The color scheme was gold, silver and white. Tons of wrapped presents, ornaments, ribbon and fabrics.

These shiny silver centerpieces were from Hobby Lobby on sale. I dressed them up a bit with a tree topper and some ornaments and some pretty fabrics at the bottom.

These chair covers were such a pain. I found some that matched but were the wrong size, so I had to alter them to fit our folding chairs! They looked so pretty.

There was an unused wreath lying around, so I pulled stuff off of it, stuck stuff onto it, added lights and hung it from the basketball hoop.

This is a view of the stage. There is a lighted greenery garland in front and then a pile of wrapped presents. Thanks to my wonderful friend, Jolene, for tying bows on all those babies!

Wreath close up.

Full view of the stage where the music was performed. We also had a slide show of different Christmas scenes going.

Right when you come into the building, they set up a live nativity scene. It was amazing!

These are our personal items displayed. You can tell we are into kid mode, not big, precious, breakable mode.

My room with instrumentalists.

This is the serving table with some of the food out.

These are a couple of bad pictures of rooms in the rest of the building.

Another shot of performers, a children's choir.